What Does “Shop URL” Mean?

On our vendor registration page, we ask you for your “Shop URL”. What we are asking for, is what you would like your unique identifier for your page to be. For example, if you run a business titled “Quality Crafts”, you would likely enter ‘quality-crafts’ as your shop url. After writing that text into the Shop URL field, we will check to make sure the URL is available and if it is you will be greeted by the green ‘Available’ text.Your string must be lower case, and can only consist of letters and dashes. You want this string to be short, so that users can easily find it and also so you could print it on physical marketing materials in the future.

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If you enter a string that has already been claimed by another vendor, than you will not be able to use that string to represent your store. An example of an unavailable string is shown below:

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In cases where your business name with dashes between is unavailable, you should attempt to create a store URL using your name without dashes, then you can consider appending numbers, or dropping common non-branded words. For example, in the case that the shop URL above is taken, I could try ‘thescienceofliving’ or ‘science-of-living’.