Store Settings Explained

Store Banner


This field is for the large image that will be displayed at the top of your store page, as well as used to represent your store on the shop by store page.

You should seek out an image that fits the recommended banner size of 1900 x 470px, but the system will allow you to upload an image of any size here. Be warned however that images that are too small or too large will be cropped to fit within the recommended image size on the store page!

Clicking Upload Banner will open the media library tool where you will be able to upload your image, add alt text and set the image as your store image.

Profile Image


Similar to the banner image, this image is used to represent your store on the shop by store page as well as used to represent your account across the site in other places. For example, if you leave a review for a product you’ve purchased, your profile image will be shown on that review.

Store Name

image 1

This is the name of your store, it will be shown to customers on your store page as well as on their order details.

Store Categories

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This is where you select the types of products your store will be producing. You can see in the example that I have the store category set to Uncategorized. You should pick a category that represents the types of products you make instead. If you feel that a proper store category is missing, please feel free to let us know via our support form.

Store Products Per Page

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Generally it’s best to leave this field blank, but if you’d prefer to have all your products listed on a single page, or to show only a few products on a page, you can set this field to something other than it’s default of 12. What it will do is show the customer the number of products you’ve entered in this field before ending the page and offering the customer the ability to look at the next page of products.

For example, if you have 24 products, you will have two pages of 12 products each. If you change products per page to 10, you will have 3 pages, the first two showing 10 products and the last one showing only 4.


image 4

This field is how your store’s address will be shown to customers. You are free to show as much or as little info in this section as you’d like. This field is not used for calculating shipping or for store search, it’s only the info that will be displayed to the customer on your store page.

Phone Number

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This is a field where you can enter your phone number if you wish to be contacted by customers by phone.

Show Email Checkbox

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Checking this box will show your email address on your store page, allowing users to email you without using the contact store button at the top of your store page.

More Products Checkbox

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This setting will determine whether a customer can see other products you purchase listed in the description box beneath your single product page. Generally, it’s best to leave this checked!


image 8

For the map, you’ll want to enter your address (or an approximate address), this address is used to calculate customer to vendor proximity when customers are searching for stores within their area. Be sure that you see the red pin-point after entering your address, otherwise your address may not show correctly.

Terms and Conditions

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Checking this field will ensure your specific terms and conditions are shown directly on your page. You will want to check this box in cases where you have specific rules that are different from the general terms of use on My Community Made.

Vacation Mode

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Checking this box will gracefully migrate your products to draft mode so that they won’t be purchasable by customers. You can use this when setting up your store if you don’t want your products to be purchasable right away. You can also schedule vacations in advance through this interface after you check the box.

Enable Storewide Discount

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Checking this field will give you the option to offer a percentage off on all orders through your store. Select this whenever you wish to run a storewide sale, but keep in mind that your products will not be automatically shown in the Shop by Deals page unless you add them to a sale individually.


image 12

This section is where you tell your potential customers everything about your store. Be sure to add photos, videos and links to your website or any other information that they may find interesting. This is where you can really show off what makes you unique!

Show Support Button

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Both of these fields are related to whether or not the “Contact Store” button will be available on either the store page or the single product page. Generally, it’s best to leave both of these checked, as that way a potential customer can contact you if they are interested in a product regardless of whether they are on a product page or on your store page.

Contact Us Text

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Whatever you write in this box, will be shown to customers when they want to contact you. You could change this text to something other than “Support”, for instance, I’ve changed the text to “Contact Us” on this store instead.