Where Can I Sell Crafts Locally?

As a handmade marketplace, we value online sales. However, we understand that selling handmade goods locally is crucial. This helps you earn steady income for your small business.

While most people consider online sales to be ‘passive income’, the truth is it takes a lot of work to be found on most online marketplaces. In addition to setting up a shop, you need to stay on top of your socials, and your search engine optimization and keep your orders and inventory up to date. Selling online is about as active as it gets!

On the other hand, selling handmade products at art galleries, flea markets and consignment shops can be a great way to sell your handmade crafts locally without needing to become a shop owner yourself.

However, finding where to sell handmade items locally is a challenge. Consider joining Facebook Community Groups for your local area and track posts from craft businesses and consignment shops in your area. There is a good chance they will eventually post to these groups when they are looking for local crafters to provide products for their store.

Be sure to keep in mind that these stores will expect either wholesale pricing or they will charge a transaction fee on the retail price of your product. Be conscious of these fees and how they will impact your margin. Be sure to check out the other products in their store, and see how your pricing compares to the products that the shop typically sells.

If you have trouble finding consignment shops in your area, consider reaching out to a local coffee shop or brewery. Many independent coffee shops and breweries have a small collection of local products that they sell. Locally made art, handmade jewelry and local pottery can be a great addition to the merchandise already on offer in many of these locations.

If you would prefer to sell your products yourself, you can find craft shows or markets near you that may be a good fit. While you still typically need to pay a set-up fee in order to sell at these markets, they do not typically charge transaction fees.

Depending on what you sell, you may even want to consider selling at your local farmers market. Farmer’s markets tend to be low-cost and typically have pretty good attendance. Some markets do have rules against non-food-related products, so be sure to check with the market organizer to make sure your products are appropriate.

You can typically find markets to sell crafts near you by searching Facebook Events. However, there is currently a large number of bots in these events that are trying to trick users with fake events, fake payment links, and various other scams.

You can use our events page to find local craft fairs and art shows that are run by various non-profits that we have discovered. Sellers on My Community Made submit events to our site on a regular basis, and we vet that content to ensure the event is run by a credible organization.

If you are looking for art exhibitions or galleries instead of craft fairs/markets you can use a tool like Entry Thingy to track Calls for Artists.