Knit So Easy
Knit So Easy

Knit So Easy

Vendor Biography

I started knitting at about the age of 6.  I knitted off and on until three years ago when my Mama died suddenly.  She was a great knitter and taught both my sister and I knitting at such a young age.  I started knitting in earnest when she died because it was a way I still felt connected to her.  My sister is an amazing knitter.  She knits all the complicated stuff!  She has three kids and can talk to them, watch a football game and count intricate stitches all at the same time!  

Me?  I like simple, quick and easy patterns.  I like to “get it done”.  So, that’s when I started designing patterns.  I wanted them to be simple, easy to follow, easy to keep up with where I am and to know what I’m going to have to do before I get in too deep.  

I knit at doctor’s office’s, at church before services, while watching TV with my husband, on trips…I almost always have a quick, easy project with me ‘cause you ever know when you might have an extra moment (or ten) to knit.

I have a husband, one son, four stepchildren and 13 grandchildren.  I am a rescue dog mom of 3.  Maria and Rocket are no longer with us, but Champ is a smart and happy boy that had been in shelters for 600 days of his young 3 year life.  He is the sweetest boy! 

I sing a little, garden, love to read and my friends called me disgustingly organized.  I’m sure they mean that as a compliment.  Oh and did I mention I really like knitting?