Sales Tax

My Community Made handles sales tax on behalf of all sellers on the platform. We do this by operating as a marketplace facilitator in every transaction.

When a purchase is made by a customer, our TaxJar API will check for

  1. Whether or not we have established economic nexus in that state (typically $100,000 in sales or 200+ transactions in that state)
  2. The type of tax necessary to be collected (state, local or state and local)

If we have nexus, the sales tax is appended to the transaction, and the customer sees the additional sales tax on their transaction prior to purchase.

As the vendor in the transaction, you do not need to do anything else in order to ensure your sales tax is paid. Some states will ask you to request a marketplace facilitator document from us, for instance New York will ask you to receive a form ST-150 from us. You can receive one of these by contacting us through our support.

If you make sales in your own state outside of My Community Made, you still need to pay sales tax on those transactions that happen outside our platform