This beautiful handmade pink and purple trivet is a practical and stylish addition to any kitchen. (Free shipping)


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This beautiful pink and purple trivet is a practical and stylish addition to any kitchen. It can be used to protect your kitchen table from hot dishes or pots, ensuring that your surfaces stay in pristine condition. Additionally, this trivet doubles as a coaster for those oversized coffee cups, providing a stable and attractive base for your favorite beverages. With its vibrant colors and versatile functionality, this trivet is a must-have accessory for any home.


7″ x 7″

Easy to Clean:

Simply wipe it down with a damp cloth


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About Crafty Flamingo

I am a grandma of 4 grandchildren. And I love to do crafts with my granddaughters. I opened this store so my granddaughters that are 3, 7 and 9 years old can learn how to start a business. The girls and I will be selling our homemade crafts for you to enjoy has much as we love to make them. 



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