Bar Soap Oatmeal Milk & Honey

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Cold process handmade soap. Each bar custom made with:
SaponIfied organic olive oil, coconut oil, palm oil, caster oil, shea butter and cocoa butter.

The soap has ground organic oatmeal included to add elements to soap and adds just a small amount of exfoliation.

No animal products, mineral oils, parabens, sulfates, phthalates, gluten or GMOS.

A Gentle and luxurious super lathering bar of soap.

Bar Size  – 5 oz.

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About Fresco Soaps n' Stuff

I decided to steer away from the chemically induced products, especially with cosmetics and soaps.

I studied essential oils and their properties of how they can heal naturally certain  ailments and conditions in our everyday life.

I found out that I needed to look into making soap the old fashioned way, the cold process way.   I have been working with oils and the natural effect they can have to our body.

It has been a few years now and I feel I have mastered formulas to produce a gentle, lathering and conditioning soap.

I use my products and shared with family and friends who also approved and felt they were quality enough to share with everyone, thus the opening of my store here on Etsy.

I also have many rich emollient spa like items that give you great benefits of cleansing in the bathtub.  My foaming salts, all natural, bubble scoops for a great bubble bath and my whipped body butters along with organic sugar scrubs.

Thank you for visiting my shop!  Let me know how I can customized purchase.

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