Bore Da – Organic, Fair Trade Breakfast Blend


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We had a few requests for a “breakfast blend”. We had no idea what a breakfast blend was, so we came up with Bore Da!
Bore da means “Good morning” in Welsh.
This blend is medium, dark, and espresso, so you get a delightfully tasty brew with just the right amount of caffeine.

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About LunaticCoffee

Thank you for stopping by, we know you’ll love our coffee and tea!  

We started roasting in 2017. We wanted delicious organic coffee that wasn’t bitter or acidic. Everyone who tried it loved it and wanted to buy! So we started Lunatic Coffee.

All of our coffees and teas are organic.  All of our coffees and some of our teas are fair trade.

If you’d like to try our coffees & teas in person, come see us:

•07/23 – Spooktacular Market, Ivy & Rose Warehouse, Fargo, ND

*08/12-08/27 – North Dakota Renaissaince Faire, Fargo, ND

*09/29-09/30 – Cavern City Renaissance Festival – Carlsbad, NM

*09/01-10/29 – Awaiting confirmation – Ohio

We close our shop when we are traveling to and selling at faires and festivals. It’s impossible to keep the shop updated and accurate during those times. Thank you for understanding.

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